Dr Liz Dawes-higgs legal disclaimer

The purpose of this website is to provide general information related to dermatology, female genital dermatology and cosmetic dermatology. This material is general in nature. It is made available on the understanding that Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs is not thereby engaged in rendering professional advice nor the formation of a doctor (or other healthcare provider)-patient relationship. The content is intended solely for information and not for treatment purposes.

All information is a general reference and every effort is made to maintain its currency and accuracy. Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of information on this website. Before relying on the information users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for their purposes and should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.

In some cases, the material may incorporate or summarise views, guidelines or recommendations of third parties. Such material is assembled in good faith but does not necessarily reflect the considered views of Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs, or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.

The pages on this website contain links to other resources on the Internet. Those links are provided as aids to help you identify and locate other internet resources that may be of interest and are not intended to state or imply that Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs is affiliated with, or is authorised to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links. Any link from this site to other sites is not an endorsement of that site or adoption of information contained therein. Links are intended to give access to educational and informative sites only and do not constitute rendering of medical services.

Information transmitted by e-mail is not secure. Therefore, confidential or sensitive information sent to Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs is solely at your discretion. Sending e-mail to Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs does not constitute the creation of a doctor/patient relationship. She cannot offer specific medical advice over the Internet. In addition, unless you are a current patient, our office cannot give medical advice over the telephone.

The information on the website may or may not be current and may contain errors and omissions for which we disclaim all liability.

Under no circumstances will Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs be liable for any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damage or loss of profits whatsoever which may result from any use or access of, or any inability to use or access, Dr Liz Dawes-Higgs website or any content.