Need help with Sensitive Skin?

Having sensitive skin is a bit of a pain!

Do you easily react to cosmetic products and sunscreens?

Having sensitive skin means that your skin easily reacts to skin care products such as chemical sunscreens, fragrances and preservatives. Anything can set your skin off giving you redness, scaling and a feeling of tightness or itching. In fact, every time you apply a certain product your skin seems to react to it.

Skin sensitivity is a complex problem with multiple causes leading to an over-reactivity to multiple topical products. Any damage to the outer layer of the skin (called the stratum corneum) can lead to products penetrating deeper into the skin and causing irritation. External environments can make your skin more reactive - such as pollution levels and bacterial flora. There is also a sensitive nervous system that leads to an enhanced response to minor skin stimulations.

There’s good news though! Botanical ingredients tend to be less inflammatory and less irritating to skin especially those who have sensitive skin. These botanicals include chamomile, licorice root extract, aloe vera and geranium.

For more information about skin care ingredients, please click here.